Mexican Family Life Survey
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11. Lopez A. (2007), “Reaching adulthood while looking for better opportunities: Migration and marital timing in Mexico”, Presentado en the US-Mexico Binational Conference on Migration and Social Policy Research.
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13. Orrenius P., y C. Amuedo-Dorantes (2007), “Migration away from crime: Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey”, Presentado en the US-Mexico Binational Conference on Migration and Social Policy Research.
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17. Rubalcava L. G. Teruel y D. Thomas (2008), “Investments, time preferences and public transfers paid to women”, Presentado en the Population Association of America 2008.
18. Rubalcava L. y P. Oliva (2003), “Health perceptions, social indicators and crime events”, Presentado en the Population Association of America 2003, Annual Meeting Program.
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22. Levy T.S., S. Villalpando, D. González, J.A. Rivera, G. Teruel y L. Rubalcava (2006), “Association between obesity and risk factors in metabolic syndrome: results of the second wave Mexican Family Life Survey 2005”, Experimental Biology Advancing the Biomedical Frontier.
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25. Santana Cartas A. (2010), “Generating descriptive statistics from the MXFLS”, Mexican Stata Users' Group Meetings 2010.
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